Konstantin Gries was born in 1995 and had his first stage experience at the Konzerttheater Bern and at the "Junge Bühne Bern" in productions by Jens Ravari, Anna Lena Bucher and Richard Schmutz. He completed his acting studies from 2016 to 2020 at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich. In 2017, he received the Migros Culture Percentage Award.
Konstantin was part of the cast of the film “Nothing More Perfect,” by director Teresa Hoerl, which premiered at the Max Ophüls Preis film festival in 2020.
In the 3rd and 4th seasons of the TV series “Das Boot,” by Hans Steinbichler and Dennis Gansel Konstantin can be seen in a continuous leading role as First Lieutenant Franz Buchner.
Konstantin Gries is represented by Greta Carl.

DAS BOOT - Season 4
Konstantin Gries can be seen in the new season of “Das Boot,” in the role of Franz Buchner, directed by Dennis Gansel. The series is already available on SKY.
Recently, Konstantin Gries was shooting for the feature film “Tamas Traum,” directed by Michael Grudsky and produced by Zeitgeist Filmproduktion.
Einen halben Hefewürfel zerbröseln und in 520 ml lauwarmem Wasser auflösen.
750 gr Mehl, 3 TL Salz und 1 TL Zucker dazugeben und alles zu einem klebrigen Teig verrühren.
In eine bemehlte Schüssel füllen,1 Stunde gehen lassen. Den Teig 10 x falten, zu einem Laib formen und in einen gefetteten, ofenfesten Topf mit Deckel geben.
In den kalten Backofen stellen, bei 240 °C Ober-/Unterhitze 50 min mit Deckel, anschließend 10 min ohne Deckel backen.
Contribution by Konstantin Gries