Felix Cramer studied at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg (FABW). His work now encompasses over 45 feature-length productions in various genres, as well as over 100 commercials, TV series, documentaries and short films. He was awarded the Kodak Vision Award and nominated for the German Cinematography Award 2010 and 2014.

One of his most important features, „Ceasefire“ deals with the second Iraq war, showing a non government organization perspective of five people. The movie was awarded the Grand Prix Europe and Prix Italia among many others. „Die dunkle Seite des Mondes,” an adaptation of Martin Suters best-selling Swiss novel was nominated for the Beijing Tiantan Award 2016 for Best Cinematography.

Felix Cramer shot the first season of „Oktoberfest 1900.” This historical mini series was released worldwide in October 2020 on Netflix and won Best Series at the German TV Awards in 2021. One of his latest work, the historical two-part “Das weiße Haus am Rhein”, was inspired by true events between the World War I and II in a luxury hotel at the rural Rhein region.

In 2022, he filmed the miniseries "Ich bin Dagobert" about the department store extortionist Arno Funke.

In 2023, he shot the six-part series “Turmschatten” based on the bestseller by Peter Grandl, which premiered at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN 2024 in the New German Television section.

Felix Cramer is represented by Patricia Barona.





Felix Cramer's latest work, the political thriller series “Turmschatten”, premiered at the Munich Film Festival 2024.



Vom Klang der Bilder

Ein inspirierendes Buch über das Zusammenspiel von Musik und bildender Kunst im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert.

Felix Cramer