Christian Ditter is an internationally active screenwriter, director, showrunner, and executive producer. His work spans many genres, from children's films to romantic comedies to cross-genre “science-fiction” series.

His graduation film “Französisch für Anfänger” at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF) received awards at numerous international festivals. Following this success, Ditter directed hit series such as “Türkisch für Anfänger,” “Dr. Diary,” and the adaptations of the classic youth book “Vorstadtkrokodile” Parts 1, 2 & 3, which were shown at more than 20 national and international festivals and received just as many awards. He also shot the first German feature film in 3D, “Wickie auf grosser Fahrt.”

Ditter is always looking for new challenges. He made the leap to the USA with the English-language romantic comedy “Love, Rosie,” which starred Lily Collins and Sam Clafin. One of the few German directors who ventures into the field of comedy, Ditter went on to direct “How to Be Single” with Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson and many others, and the Netflix series “Girlboss.”

He returns to Germany regularly, most recently to work on the Netflix series “Biohackers,” which he conceived and leads as writer, director, and showrunner.

Christian Ditter is represented by Katrin Näher.






Rat Pack / Christian Becker is producing the remake of Michael Ende's famous children's book.
Christian Ditter wrote the screenplay and is directing the film, which will be released in September 2025.



John Williams

Beim Schreiben und Storyboarden höre ich meist (Film-) Musik. Eine der größten Score-Legenden live zu erleben, und sich bewußt darüber zu werden, wie ein Mensch Generationen geprägt hat, so dass seine Melodien weltweit gekannt und geliebt werden, ist gleichermassen beeindruckend wie inspirierend.

Christian Ditter

Science Entertainment Exchange

Ein regelmäßiges Treffen zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Filmemachern. Extrem inspirierend, mit Leuten zu sprechen, deren Arbeit die Zukunft unseres Planeten und der Menschheit beeinflusst. Die Idee zu BIOHACKERS ist bei einem dieser Treffen entstanden.

Christian Ditter