Christian Klandt was born in 1978 and studied Directing at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. He works as a screenwriter and director for film and theater. His award-winning debut film “Weltstadt” screened at New York’s MoMA and his second feature “Little Thirteen” was pre-selected for the German Film Award.
His film credits also include “Schausteins letzter Film” and “Leif in Concert Vol 2.” He directed three seasons of the series “Wir sind jetzt,” which was awarded the Bayerischer Fernsehpreis and nominated for best drama series at the German Television Awards.
His latest film, “Sterben für Beginner” (Dying for Beginners), is a biopic and adaptation of the bestseller “The End – Das Buch vom Tod” (The Book of Death) by Eric Wrede. The film won the Rheingold Audience Award at the Festival of German Films in Ludwigshafen in 2024 and the Best TV Film award at the 46th Biberach Film Festival in 2024.
Christian Klandt is represented by Carole Sonderegger.
Sterben für Beginner
Sterben für Beginner
Christian Klandt’s new project is not yet public. Come back soon to learn more or catchup, until then, on his latest work “Sterben für Beginner.”
Music manager Erik is in crisis: he quits his job and becomes an undertaker. Shortly afterwards, he learns that his best friend Alex has
a fatal brain tumour. Alex and his girlfriend Karla are expecting a baby. Inspired by the bestseller “The End - The Book of Death” by Eric Wrede, this film tells the story of a friendship based on the motto: live, love, laugh and be amazed.
Waslaw Nijinsky schrieb im Jahr 1919 am Rande des Wahnsinns seine Tagebuchaufzeichnungen und war einer der größten Tänzer seiner Zeit. "Verstand" ist für Nijinsky ein negativer Begriff; dem "Verstand" schreibt er alles Böse auf der Welt zu. Für sich selbst reklamiert er "Vernunft", nicht nur, wenn er sich selbst, hellsichtig, als "Geistesgestörten mit Vernunft" bezeichnet. "Ich bin ein Philosoph, der fühlt" ist letztlich ein einziger Schrei nach Liebe". Ich will keinen Besitz haben. Ich will nicht reich sein. Ich will lieben, lieben. Ich bin die Liebe und keine tierische Wildheit.
Christian Klandt