Behrooz Karamizade was born in 1978 in Ahwaz, Iran. In 1984 he immigrated together with his family via the former Soviet Union through the former GDR to West-Germany. He has lived in Germany since 1985. From 2007 to 2013 he studied film directing at the Kunsthochschule in Kassel. With his first short films he won several awards and participated in over 200 international film festivals, among others at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, the Short Film Festival Oberhausen and the Montreal World Film Festival. With his graduation film “Bahar im Wunderland”, Karamizade participated in over 150 film festivals and won 20 awards.
His debut film “Empty Nets” has taken part in numerous international film festivals and has received over 13 awards. Behrooz Karamizade was awarded with a Lola for the screenplay of “Empty Nets”. In 2023, the film took part in the main competition at Karlovy Vary, where it received the Special Jury Award. At the Munich Film Festival, it received the prize for Best Production. Behrooz Karamizade was finally honoured as Newcomer 2023 at the Hessian Film Award. At the Adelaide Film Festival in Australia, the film won the main prize for Best Feature Film.
Behrooz Karamizade is represented by Carole Sonderegger.

Behrooz Karamizades’s exciting new project is not yet public. Come back soon to learn more or catchup, until then,
on his latest work “Empty Nets”(“Leere Netze”).
Behrooz Karamikaze’s VARIA contribution is in the works. Come back soon to learn more.