Stipe Erceg, Croatian with Swabian roots, became famous overnight with Hans Weingartner's 2004 film “Die Fetten Jahre sind vorbei“ (“The Educators“, Festival de Cannes, International Competition 2004). For this performance he received the 2004 Förderpreis Deutscher Film and, immediately afterwards, the Max Ophüls Prize for best young actor for “Yugotrip” directed by Nadya Derado.
In 2007, he played an RAF terrorist in Uli Edel's “Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex,” and this was followed in 2012 by his impressive portrayal of a terminally ill patient in the television production “Blaubeerblau,” directed by Rainer Kaufmann, for which he received the Hessian Film Award. In “Culpa” by Jano Ben Chaabane, he portrayed a nameless priest. Stipe also works as a director and producer.
Stipe Erceg is represented by Katrin Wans.

Home is heRE
Vienna Blood
Stipe Erceg will be seen in another season of “Vienna Blood,” produced by MR Film for ORF, BBC, ZDF and Beta. The series is directed by Umut Dag.
Stipe Erceg finished shooting two new motion pictures for the series “Helen Dorn,” for ZDF. The film is directed by Friedemann Fromm and produced by Network Movie.
Ich hatte mal gelesen was J.R Oppenheimer über David Bohm sagte, “wenn wir Bohm nicht widerlegen können, können wir uns alle darauf einigen, ihn zu ignorieren”. Dann hab ich mir Bohms Buch “Dialog” gekauft, welches so beginnt – “Der Begriff Dialog stammt aus dem Altgriechischen, dialogos und bedeutet wörtlich dia ‘durch’ logos ‘Wort’'. Durch das Wort kommen wir miteinander in Verbindung und lernen zu verstehen, wir treten in Beziehung und tauschen uns aus. In seinem Ursprung hat Dialog mit der gemeinsamen Suche nach Sinn und Erkenntnis zu tun.”
Stipe Erceg