At the age of 11, Monika Plura was already making films. Her favorite projects to create were horror films, which she made together with her identical twin sister Martina Plura. She then went on to study film studies under Wim Wenders at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste and complete a master's degree in cinematography at the Hamburg Media School. She now successfully shoots TV and feature films.
In 2021, Monika Plura filmed the movie “Mein Lotta-Leben 2 – Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka!,” directed by Martina Plura, which is the second film based on Alice Pantermüller’s bestselling children’s novels. In 2022, Monika shot twelve episodes of the mini-series “Last X-Mas” and the thriller “Unsichtbarer Angreifer," which premiered at Filmfest Hamburg 2023.
In addition to camera work, screenwriting is Monika's 2nd passion.
Monika Plura is represented by Patricia Barona.

Unsichtbarer angreifer
unsichtbarer angreifer
Monika Plura's latest project, the thriller "Unsichtbarer Angreifer", directed by Martina Plura
and produced by UFA, is now available in the ZDF media library.
Schon seit ich klein bin gilt meine Faszination verlassenen Orten. Ich liebe es mir die Geschichten vorzustellen, die sich dort ereignet haben, alles zu erkunden und den Moment mit dem Fotoapparat festzuhalten.
Monika Plura