


When he was 20 years old, the Irish-born Dublin native Eoin Moore moved to Berlin and began working as a sound technician and cameraman. Simultaneously, he studied directing at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb).

His graduation film, “plus-minus null,” starred Andreas Schmidt and was awarded the Hypo-Bank Director's Prize for German Film at the 1998 Munich Film Festival and the Best Director Award at the 1999 Max-Ophüls Festival, among other prizes.

His feature film, “Pigs Will Fly,” was nominated for the German Film Award 2003 in the categories “Best Film,” “Best Leading Actor,” and “Best Supporting Actress.” The film was also a competition participant at the San Sebastian International Film Festival 2002.

Since 2005, Moore has worked predominantly in television, writing and directing critically acclaimed films and crime series which have received numerous awards such as the German TV Crime Drama Award, the Hamburg Crime Prize, and the Goldene Kamera.

One of his earliest projects, “Polizeiruf – Jenseits” (BR), starring Edgar Selge, was received with widespread critical and popular acclaim. In 2010, Moore conceived “Polizeiruf Rostock” and cast the investigator team, led by Anneke Kim Sarnau and Charly Hübner. Since then, he has been the lead writer and director for the series, shaping it significantly.

In 2015, he began collaborating with writer Anika Wangard. Together, they have co-written all subsequent scripts, including films like “Polizeiruf 110 – Wendemanöver,” “Polizeiruf 110 – Muttertag,” and “Tatort – Tschill Out,” starring Til Schweiger.

In addition to writing and directing, Eoin Moore also returned to his alma mater, the dffb, to work as a lecturer in directing and acting.

Eoin Moore is a member of the German Film Academy.

Eoin Moore is represented by Katrin Näher.





Eoin Moore is currently filming a new episode of ZDF crime series "Stralsund". He wrote the screenplay together with Anika Wangard. Network Movie is producing.




Two ships in the night. Diese Szene zwischen David Thewlis und Ewan Bremner in Mike Leighs “Naked” hat sich für die Ewigkeit in meiner Erinnerung eingebrannt. Nicht nur, dass sie eine Meisterleistung in Dialog, Schauspiel und schwarzer Humor ist – die Szene hat etwas Archaisches. Hier treffen zwei Gestalten zufällig aufeinander, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Außer, dass ihre Leben aus der Spur geflogen sind. Für wenige Minuten verlaufen ihre Wege parallel, sie gehören zusammen. Unvergesslich Thewlis' Frage an Bremner “What’s it like being you?”

Eoin Moore