Rebecca Martin was born in Berlin to a Welsh-Australian father and an English mother. Even before she graduated from high school, Rebecca published her first novel, a bestseller, in 2008. She has since published two more novels to critical acclaim. Her writing has appeared in various magazines and literary anthologies.
Martin studied screenwriting at Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb), before moving to London and graduating from the National Film and TV School with an MA in Screenwriting. Her graduation film “Rooftop Refugee,” co-written with writer-director Alexandra Brodski, was screened at numerous festivals, including Edinburgh International Film Festival, Aesthetica Short Film Festival and Underwire.
In 2021, she co-wrote “Ich bin Sophie Scholl,” an Instagram series about the non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany “The White Rose.” Rebecca co-wrote the fourth season of “Charité” with Tanja Bubbel and is currently developing series and feature films in Germany, Switzerland and Denmark.
She received the DAAD scholarship and is an Eureka Series participant (an initiative created by the Series Mania Institute).
Rebecca Martin is represented by Carole Sonderegger.

CharitÉ 4
Rebecca Martin’s exciting new project is not yet public. Come back soon to learn more or catchup, until then, on her latest work, the fourth season of “Charité” (co-written with Tanja Bubbel).
Die drei Bände der Outline-Trilogie von Rachel Cusk sind die Bücher, die ich wahrscheinlich am häufigsten verschenke, weil sich fast alle auf sie einigen können. Ihr Schreiben ist klar, klug, atmosphärisch und zeitlos schön.
Was meine Schwester und ich sonst noch so lesen, gibt es ab und zu auch hier: booksandsisters.