After studying philosophy, German language and literature, and theater in Berlin and Paris, Sönke Lars Neuwöhner worked as a journalist and publicist, and was the editor of a small Berlin publishing house called “Das Labor,” which he also co-founded. In 1997, he shot his first short film, “Fashion Kills.” Ever since, he has written screenplays for both cinema and television.
With Martin Eigler, Sven Poser and Jonas Winner he founded the label “plotpower,” which focuses on the joint development of screenplays. One of their best-known credits is the first German miniseries for ZDF “Morgen hör ich auf,” starring Bastian Pastewka and Susanne Wolff, which received the German Television Award for Best Series in 2017, as well as the Bavarian Television Award for Best Screenplay and the Golden Camera for Best Series.
In addition, Neuwöhner has written numerous popular series and films. In 2015, he developed the series “Wolfsland” with Sven Poser, and they continue to write for the series through to today. With Martin Eigler he wrote the highly acclaimed “Tatort – Der Mann, der lügt,” which was nominated for the Grimme Prize in the Best Fiction category in 2019 and for Esther Gronenborn the post-war drama “Ich werde nicht schweigen” starring Nadja Uhl, which received a nomination for the Juliane Barthel Media Award.
Sönke Lars Neuwöhner is a member of the German Film Academy.
Sönke Lars Neuwöhner is represented by Katrin Näher.

Morgen hör ich auf
Sönke Lars Neuwöhner, Sven Poser and Martin Eigler wrote the humorous murder mystery for UFA Fiction, the film will be an Amazon Prime Original.
Filming has been ongoing in Latvia and Lithuania since mid-February with Bastian Pastewka in the lead role.
On February 27 the 16th episode of Wolfsland, "Schwarzer Spiegel", was broadcast.
The entire series is based on scripts by Sönke Lars Neuwöhner and Sven Poser and is produced by Molina Film for MDR/ARD Degeto.
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Contribution by Sönke Lars Neuwöhner